Friday, December 2, 2011

Love The Giver, More Than The Gift

 As the Christmas season of gift giving approaches, God is speaking to me about His gifts to us.  Not only has He given His son for us, He has gifted us with faith, hope, love and eternal life with Him in His Kingdom.  As if that isn't lavish enough He also gives us gifts daily, blessings that fall upon our path, people that we meet, answers to prayer, encouragement and favour.  Another gift that God pours out abundantly upon us are His miracles, and that is what I want to talk with you about today.
miracle n. An event that appears inexplicable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God.
Miracles are an everyday part of life for our family.  There is no such things as big miracles and small miracles in God's Kingdom, if God does something in your life by His hand, then you have received a miracle.  We like to rate gifts according to size don't we?  We all seem to want the biggest gift under the Christmas tree.  Thankfully we have learned that size is not relative to blessing in God's Kingdom.  We repeatedly see God make a way when there seems to be no way, and I am so thankful for his gifts to us, because I know we cannot live this life without Him.
Sadly, I confess, there was  time when I loved the gift more than I did the giver.  I would look for God's miracles everywhere.  Searching everywhere for Him to perform miracles and wonders, signs that would set the world back on their heels, especially when it came to our son Sam.  There was a time when every time I spoke to God, the words that were always on the tip of my tongue were about Sam's healing.  I could not hide it, every time I went to Him in prayer, my heart betrayed my true thoughts and intentions.  I wanted to love God more than what He could give me, but I struggled with my own selfish desire to see my son live a 'normal' healthy life.
At one point God spoke and said: 
When you go to the marriage bed with your husband, do not go with other things in your heart and your head.  You must go there only to focus on showing your love for him.  So it must be with us.  Come and dwell with me because you love me and all of these other things shall be added to you.
I knew that what I was doing was wrong and I so I repented, focused on God and laid aside my own wants and needs in order just to love Him more. I read psalms and sang songs that spoke only to Him, not of my own desires.  I asked Him to help me love Him more than His gifts.  The scripture that God gave me still rings daily in my heart and on my lips:
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.(Matthew 6:33)
And so now when we spend time enjoying each others company, I go with eyes and a heart only for my God.  I come to Him as one intoxicated by His presence, and I know I can trust Him with my desires. I implore you today to not make the same mistake as I did.  Do not put you own desires at any point above your love for God.  For He is above all things.  Love His miracles, yes, but always, always, always love Him more.


mamamia said...

Thank you for this timely post. I have been struggling with "gifting issues" from extended family and have just realized I am looking at it all wrong!
My attitude was spoiling my Christmas and I need to let go of how I wish Christmas to be, and let it be just as it is.
Another moment to be content with life, just as it is!

Anonymous said...

I have never looked a it that way, and I really like your point of view. Thanks for sharng.

Nicole Watson said...

Bless you with peace this Christmas season Mamamia :) I pray that as you celebrate with family and friends that the light of Jesus will shine for all to see.

Nicole Watson said...

Thank you QOBS. I pray God's peace and joy will flood your home this Christmas as you celebrate Him together. I am so thankful to God, making the Prince of Peace our King.

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